This past year I’ve been in a facebook chat where people posted the results of their wordle games. It was really fun, and I realized that it was something that lent itself to data analysis. Since you can download your facebook data, all I’d need to do is parse the data for this chat, and I could put together a dataset on the activity of the chat, and the performance of individual people in the chat.
These are the ones everyone wants to see, so I won’t stall any longer.
The average scores were calculated by assigning a value of 7 to a failure to finish the wordle. This is arbitrary and probably under weights a failures, but I do not care enough to do anything more complicated.
The two least frequent posters have the lowest average score… hmmm…
Since these wordles were posted in a facebook messenger chat, we can also see who recieved the most reacts on their posts. The brain emoji, specifically, was a popular choice to convey the intelligence of the player for solving that day’s puzzle, and so brain reacts have been counted specifically as well.
Rarely did all members of the group do the wordle. Sometimes, no one
did it.
Some were consistent wordle-ers. Others came and went.
Some messaged their wordles to the chat at a similar time during the work day. A couple had a taste for the dead-of-night wordle.
The easiest wordle, according to us…
A couple wordles elicited a lot of reactions in the chat…
Wordle Champs 2022 has petered out as of the the writing of this article. But is it dead for sure? Who’s to say…
And for the smartest wordles…